Do you qualify?

Use our free eligibility checker to find out if you qualify. Click the button below to fill out our easy-to-use form:



We are able to work with all the authorities within Cumbria and beyond where it isn’t now necessary to claim a benefit under something called flexible eligibility. Each authority has slightly different guidelines so please just get in touch and we will talk you through the correct options for you and the property.

This is in addition to Working or Child Tax Credits or Universal Credits with no income threshold. Pension Credits now includes the Savings Credit for the first time. Income Based Job Seekers Allowance or Income Based Employment and Support Allowance. Child Benefits can qualify so please call to ask about those as the funding is changing.

This is for anyone who resides at the property.


We are having success with rented properties installing internal wall and room in roof insulation even on mains gas properties which helps landlords achieve a C rating and vastly reduces energy costs at this vital time for the people residing at the home.


Measures Available

Gas Boiler Swaps (existing must be non-condensing)
Full Gas Systems for First Time Installs
Air Source Heat Pumps
Solar Panels
Loft Insulation
Room in Roof Insulation
Internal Wall Insulation
Cavity Wall Insulation
External Wall Insulation